The homepage of the working group Muttenthalbahn e.V., Witten / Ruhr

Track overview

Car park train depature point

141019_Ruhrtal_MTB (10)

140803_Muttental (18)

140803_Muttental (22)


On the way to narrow-gauge railway museum

Titel1_110612_Pfingsten_ 132


Theresia Station / Museum

140418_MTB  (5)

090705_MTB_ 166 (28)


On the way to Zeche Nachtigall

130501_Sommer 2013_ 663

Bahn_8_06 0471


Zeche Nachtigall Terminus

130501_Sommer 2013_ 649


See you again at Zeche Theresia

140712_MTB (53)



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